Corporate Rebels United, kickstarting evolution.

Amelia Earhart was, by any reckoning, an extraordinary woman. Her unconventional upbringing by her mother ensured she’d not be “a nice little girl” and her determination to do things differently, to brake the mould was evident from a young age.

Amelia Earhart - Corporate Rebels UnitedDespite rough times and health problems she worked herself up to become one of the most inspiring people in our recent history. Her disappearance only adding to the legend.

By any measure Earhart can be considered a rebel. And it’s no wonder Corporate Rebels United uses her image to reflect their intend.

Corporate Rebels United

I came across an article by Philippe Borremans. The headline grabbed me: “We need more “corporate anarchists”…” and at the very bottom he mentioned Corporate Rebels United.

What a post… I just had to check it out.

A Change is a Coming

This may not be an obvious change, evolution never is. It’s not written on a wall, or a news broadcast. It’s probably a change you’re not consciously aware of at all, but it is coming regardless.

It will take considerable effort to make this change, to live through it, to wake up.

Principle-3: We have the mandate to be brave and to challenge the status quo.

Not Revolution but Evolution

In my opinion people have a more and more negative image about society and people. Sadly, I’m one of them.

Maybe I’m just projecting my own views, they tend to be on the negative side of things.., however, I do prefer calling myself a realist, not a pessimist. Meaning there is room for improvement.

Anyway, ever since I started with Social Media and grew towards Social Business I became more and more aware of this evolution.

And I’m starting to believe that this particular evolution, this particular change is what we need. And I do mean “need”.

We need to change, move on, grow up.., evolve…

Principle-4: We will reboot our corporate and organizational culture to install a 21st century, digitally native version.

Living Consciously

The biggest problem with “just doing your job” is that it dumbs you down. OK, maybe not you personally, but certainly the masses.

Come after dinner and we’re tired and numb from a day at the office, all we want to do is have a beer and watch The Voice or some other mindless entertainment.

I do not watch The Voice, I don’t watch regular TV at all (I have a thorough dislike for commercials). I watch an HBO Original and claim myself more intellectual than those that watch The Voice.

It’s still just tuning out though, but I’m working on it.

Principle-12: Our community acts from deep personal awareness and presence, and an irresistible enthusiasm opening up old rusty structured.

The Great Cure

Our brain is a marvel of evolution, or creation, depending on your point of view. No matter how you look at it.., it’s just a marvel.

It made us what we are today, well, that and our opposing thumbs, but the point is.., on Earth, we are unique and just fantastic.

However, your brain develops until you reach adulthood, say, the age of 20. After that it, like the rest of your body, it too starts to decay.

If you do not maintain it, you end up colouring outside the lines by the time you’re 50, chances are.

You need to keep stimulating your brain, keep learning, keep thinking, keep creating new synapses.

Changing the way we work, uprooting our daily routine can have unprecedented benefits throughout society.

Principle-11: Our actions lead to new product and services and new global practices for value creation, agility and velocity.

Just Imagine

When we are given the opportunity to be as creative as we can, to stimulate and challenge our minds. To work in a safe environment where intelligence and progressive thinking is encouraged, not feared or obstructed.

We could reach a point where enlightenment could be an every day occurrence. People waking up from the matrix we created for our own.

A point where change, challenges and progress are your comfort zone.

Imagine knowing you can do better and being able to actually do so, at work. No need to work from home, take an evening course or risk it all by going freelance.

You could be that entrepreneur, that innovator, that change maker and still have a steady pay check.

The company you work for would benefit endlessly because now, finally, you are living up to your true potential and you truly do want to get to the office to get things done.

And just imagine the effect this will have on society. Born again free thinkers all over the place.

Back to a society where the human spirit is driven by innovation and the hunger for exploration can be stilled.

I like that idea.

Principle-18: We keep our community a safe environment, where you can become who you want to become. Where you are not alone in being a catalyst.

Rebel Jam

You too can join Corporate Rebel United. Or read a bit more.

And just to show how “there is no box” thinking looks like. Corporate Rebels United organised the “Rebel Jam“.

Now pay attention: It’s a free, on-line, 24 hour event. With a speaker every hour and discussion after each speaker, from all over the world.

Some pods are meeting up to enjoy the Rebel Jam in good and like minded company. I am going to Brussels.

The Age of the Social Entrepreneur by @Mark_Harai

Social Entrepreneurs possess a mindset to build strategic relationships with their customers, vendors, suppliers, distributors, stakeholders and anyone who has a stake in the future success of their business.

The definition of a social entrepreneur.

By leveraging social web-based technologies you can strengthen the vitality and health of the “people relationships” that are instrumental to the health and longevity of your business.

Building your organization on a foundation of teamwork and partnerships will benefit both those inside and outside of your organization. It’s this mindset that drives the social entrepreneur.

The social web has established a platform for business owners to influence the future buying decisions of consumers by building strong relationships in the marketplace.

By being helpful, educational and attentive to people your business desires to serve, you can build a bridge that leads to your door when a buying decision is made.

Social entrepreneurs can effectively leverage human capital in ways traditional business cannot.  It’s this advantage right here that big business will never have…

Big businesses ‘buy’ everything they need, while social business can ‘inspire’ people to fill their needs.

It’s not to say a social business doesn’t spend money on filling their needs; but it does lead to connecting with and investing in people in more meaningful ways that aligns interests & personalities, and leads to loyalty & trust.

A social business established on a foundation like this has a bright future, indeed.

Social businesses are driven to make the world a better place for all…

Quote - think your idea can change the world.

Social businesses measure performance and profitability, but they also take into account the impact they are having on society.

A purpose driven business with a vision bigger than itself can align with other like-minded individuals and businesses to effect positive social and economic change in the communities they serve.

I think it’s great that CEO’s rake in millions, hundreds of millions in some cases, in compensation from large organizations they manage. But it really doesn’t make good sense for social businesses.

I’m not against an individual raking in a fortune from the work they do – I just believe it’s good social business to spread the wealth around; especially to those people and communities that are instrumental to your long term success.

That seems like a good investment of money to me :)

Social business goes beyond the boundaries of the past… You’re not bound by territory, you’re not bound by politics, you’re not bound by religion – you’re not even bound by not having a bunch of cash to start your business.

You’re bound only by your own desire & vision and the actions you take to connect with like-minded people across the globe who join your efforts to change the world one relationship at a time.

Social entrepreneurs build worthwhile businesses.

Social is a Custom Business

social is a custom businessLast month I had the very enjoyable experience of having a suit “made to measure”.
Wait, read first.
It was not more expensive than a (good) retail suit and I needed a new suit.., I couldn’t really find my style, and one thing led to another and I ended up at Café Costume in Brussels.

They work solely via appointment, I was the only client in the store. And after an hour and a half, filled with attention and an astonishing amount of detail, I left with the best fitting suit I can afford and perfectly suited (pun intended) to my style and personal wishes.

Continue reading “Social is a Custom Business”