The Reimagining Work Podcast
investigating Social Business and the Future of Work
We want Teal. We live in a world where it instant gratification seems the norm, and quick wins the goal.
The post Teal: And the Quest for the Quick Win – Episode 039 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
The post What The World Needs Now – Episode 038 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Sociodrama is a way for groups to explore issues of common concern through the use of a range of interactive and experiential tools.
The post Sociodrama – Episode 037 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Louise Altman is our guest. We discuss the importance of not only recognising, but valuing and working with, emotions at work.
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The plight of Middle Management is a recurring topic in our office culture. Is this position doomed, or do we need it while re-imagining work?
The post Middle Management – Episode 035 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
So, how about you? Why are we not truthful about this. And why is this never asked when needed? We think you should acknowledge and take care of yourself.
The post So, What About You? – Episode 034 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
We talk with Erik Korsvik Østergaard. A multifaceted change agent with the goal to, ultimately, make work more fun.
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Anne McCrossan; she states that she feels she is blessed to have been born in a time of phenomenal change.The new digital mindset challenges us.
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We talk about why certain changes are insisted on, regardless of concequence. Conclusion is lack of any vision.
The post Vision 2.0 – Episode 031 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
The dark side of reimagining work gets its moment of fame on the podcast. Sometimes you have to peak into the dark to be aware of the light.
The post The Dark Side – Episode 030 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Life without e-mail is much more than simply not using e-mail. It's also about answering the question "Why do you come to work every day?".
The post Life Without E-mail – Episode 029 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Bureaucracy, our lives have been so infused with it that it’s no longer a “thing”. We don’t hear about it, we don’t talk about it, but perhaps we should.
The post Reimagining Bureaucracy – Episode 028 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Strength Based development sounds counter intuitive. Aren't your weaknesses where you want to focus development? No. It takes too much effort for too little gain. Develop your strength and your weakness becomes less relevant.
The post Strength Based Success – Episode 027 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Communication; the key to civilisation. It spreads knowledge and is the most powerful problem solver. It can also be the most destructive force on Earth.
The post Communication – Episode 026 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Networks vs Communities makes for an interesting discussion. Which do you prefer? Which is better? Or do you simply need them both, in symbioses.., and is there a sweetspot?
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Who has the power in your life? Where in your working life do you feel free and unfree? Are you the chief author of your life story or are you a bit player, only responding to the stories that others write?
The post Freedom and Power – Episode 024 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Metaphors are a great tool to clarify a complex system or process. Applying gardening logic to the office is a perfect way to understand the possibilities.
The post The Gardening Metaphor – Episode 023 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
We talk with Kenneht Mikkelsen and Anners Abild about why is learning important, and how did we get it wrong by doing so much theory without integration?
The post Kenneth Mikkelsen and Anners Abild – Episode 022 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
We mull over the analogue and the digital, suggesting that we should advance into the future with our eyes open to the effects of technology.
The post Analogue vs. Digital – Episode 021 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
It’s said that the so-called “soft skills”, like empathy, listening, conflict resolution and ability to inspire, are the hard skills of the 21st century.
The post Reimagining Learning – Episode 020 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
In this episode, we attempt to re-imagine performance conversations that happen all the time, with everyone, all over the place.
The post Reimagining Performance – Episode 019 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
We have invented some wonderful technological tools in this digital age. They afford us the potential to work better together, however, we remain with outdated institutions and organisational structures and interpersonal skills that are sorely in need of updating.
The post Evolving Blindly – Episode 018 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Mankind has gotten far. We've done this by invention, discovery and exploration. We think nothing would have happened if nobody would have imagined something first. Just imagine what you can do.
The post Just Imagine – Episode 017 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Any change within a company invariably hits the middle management layer. People whom are perpetually stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The post Reimagining Managing – Episode 016 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Being more 'social' at work means we need be to more social in life. Current affairs threatens this to no end. The silence can sometimes be deafening.
The post Sounds of Silence – Episode 015 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Our guest, Anne Marie McEwan, believes that it is vital for people to take more control of their work and how work gets organised.
The post Anne Marie McEwan – Episode 014 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Sometimes you have no choice but to be a social business. This depends on the project or business you start, and your choices at the very beginning.
The post Social Business as a Default – Episode 013 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Sociometry is a human technology that assist teams, working groups and organisations to focus on making them more of, by and for the people.
The post What is Sociometry? – Episode 012 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Richard Martin (@IndaloGenesis) has recently joined the freelance community. And we believe that's an enrichment to the community.
The post Richard Martin – Episode 011 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Digging into personal mindsets of employees through evaluations and questionnaires often leads to nothing, and can be harmful.
The post Feedback and Distortion – Episode 010 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
In general most of us think we are excellent leaders or excellent communicators. But, let’s face it, most of us are not. Being a good leader is not the same as being a (good) manager. There is a difference in perception. Managing is simple retaining a certain status quo, you can do that well, and […]
The post What Do We Need To Learn – Episode 009 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
In a current Gartner report it is stated that 80% of all “Future of Work” initiatives fail. These initiatives range from full on integration of a ESN (Enterprise Social Network) to creating a community with a common interest, or simply trying to get employees more involved in the business. With an appallingly low average employee […]
The post Walking the Social Business Walk – Episode 008 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
When talking about Social Business, a discussion about how we work is inevitable. When digging deeper into that subject, you have to talk about working together. In the current working environment this is something that is lost on many. Sure, we work in a team, tasks are delegated between various roles, but individual strengths are […]
The post Reimagining Working Together – Episode 007 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Where to begin with your Social Business journey, or you Digital Transformation. There's a lot to it, and the first step is the hardest, but not impossible,
The post Where To Begin – Episode 006 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
Leading up to the Enterprise 2.0 Summit in London (26th Nov.), I have the opportunity to talk to Euan Semple, the keynote speaker of the event. The E20S has a long standing reputation of being at the forefront of the Enterprise 2.0/Social Business movement. Traditionally catering for the folks whom are bit further afield than most. […]
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It is said that in a social business, the so-called “people skills” will be the difference that makes the difference. Fundamental to developing good people skills is empathy. In this podcast, we discuss empathy and role reversal. Role reversal is a head-heart-body technique that John uses in his work and which allows people to have […]
The post Beyond Empathy – Episode 005 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
We discuss the metaphor of Planet Social Business. Is the difference between a “regular” business and a Social Business so large that it might feel you’re on a different planet? I think so. Imagine coming from an old school, command and control, family business that has been around for a hundred years, and then stepping […]
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In episode three, we touch on team dynamics. As the need grows to become better at being “social” in business, we make the point that there is something to be learnt about the dynamics between people. When people come together, something happens between them that can impact the effectiveness of their collaborative efforts. In this […]
The post What’s Going On In My Team – Episode 003 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
There it is, our second podcast. In our first episode, we spend time on introductions. We also used this episode to work out some kinks, and ask for feedback. Therefore, in no particular order, we’d like to thank: Richard Martin, Kenneth Mikkelsen and Jon Buscall for their invaluable insights, constructive feedback and all-round wonderful support. […]
The post There’s Something Happening In The Way We Work – Episode 002 appeared first on The Reimagining Work Podcast.
The title is explained, which is not chosen by pure chance, also what we want to achieve with this podcast. In short, we want to learn as much as we can, and we can do this by talking about the subjects we find relevant. We’ll also invite guests, people who know much more about a […]
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