Have you discovered reblogging on Triberr yet? If not, you’re missing out on a great opportunity provided by Triberr!
Are you . . .
. . . looking for more exposure for your content?
. . . looking for Guest Blogging opportunities?
. . . hoping that your content might be shared in syndication?
. . . needing more content to publish?
. . . interested in content curation?
. . . wanting to improve your SEO?
. . . trying to increase reader engagement?
If you’re on Triberr already, it’s pretty safe to assume that you’ve answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, if not all of them – and that reblogging could be your solution!
What is Reblogging?
The Triberr Reblogging option allows you to repost other “Triberr Reblog” member’s content on your blog.
How Does it Work?
You need to be a member of Triberr (free!) and to be using the WordPress.org blogging platform.
Begin by installing the Triberr plugin on your blog.
Now, as you scroll through your Triberr stream, you can identify other “rebloggers” by the inclusion of an image in the introduction to their content, and the “reblog” link in the options at the bottom of the listing.

To repost an article on your blog, click the “reblog link”, and the article will appear as a “draft” in your list of posts for your blog.

Preview the article and make any formatting changes that are necessary, and “Publish”. The article will appear on your blog, and thanks to the Triberr widget, the author’s bio and a Triberr Comment Box will appear at the bottom of the post.

Additionally, any comments that appear on ANY copy of this article, from another post or the Triberr platform, will appear as a running commentary stream on all blogs that carry it!
Did Someone Say “SEO Benefits”?
It’s in my nature to view everything from an SEO perspective, and Reblogging definitely offers SEO benefits. As well as providing more fresh content, each reblogged post will provide, at minimum, a link back to the original post from the author’s bio. In addition, any links within the body of the article will also remain live and become backlinks to that content.
Hard to believe it, but Triberr just got even better!
Thanks for reading. As always your comments, questions, or reblogs : ) are welcome and appreciated!
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