Start With Why

How can companies compete successfully in a sea of products and a flood of information? One possible approach that we recommend to our customers is value based branding. Brands attract people by values. Because values bind us together.

They are the foundation for the appeal and gravity of a brand.

Simon Sinek

Author Simon Sinek gets this approach. He puts it in a simple and understandable way:

People don’t buy what you do, people buy why you do it.

He illustrates this with a simple model called “The Golden Circle”. At the core is the question of “why?”

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The Future is Mobile

The current momentum surprises even Google.

A key challenge for corporate communication is the all increasing information overload. This trend has been reinforced in recent years mainly due to the mobile Internet, which we have constantly available via smartphones and tablets.
Latest figures show that the trend is even more dynamic than expected. YouTube currently speaks of a massive change in user behaviour. Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google, said that the growth rate of mobile adoption exceeds everyone’s expectations. And recent studies on email usage reveals surprising results. The future is mobile.

Massive Consumer Shift

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Native apps for iOS and Android are the future! – Mark Zuckerberg

facebook goes mobileInformation overload is one of the main challenges for corporate communication of SMEs. It raises the question of how companies can successfully stand out from competitors in a sea of offers and information.

The main drivers of this development are social networks and mobile Internet, which are constantly available to us via smartphones and tablets. Especially apps that run on these devices and provide us with all this information.

But even leading companies have missed this trend for a long time.
An interesting example is Facebook.

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