Social Media Training Within The Company

One of the things I learned by staring very hard at my RSS Feeds is that social media is something done by the whole company.
Sure, somebody can (or has to) be in charge, but all employees should know about it, contribute and share.


That is why I put ‘training’ in my strategy and people asked why.., well.., because everybody needs to take part (even if it’s only a little).
Jay Baer (Convince & Convert) puts it very well in this short talk and it (the talk) will help me convince (and convert) any stragglers or non-believers.

[youtube_sc url=xjE615cv81w rel=0 fs=1 autohide=1 modestbranding=1]

Why I Love Social Media

I love staying in touch with old friends and colleagues, even when they live on the other side of the world.
But that is something which I would have done anyway, in most cases.

No, it’s the strangers and their responses that intrigues me.

People seek a connection with you because of a common interest and in some cases those people become friends.., even though we’ve never met in real life (although some I actually do meet, @SchmoozyFox).

And then there’s the ‘famous’ people. I do social media at work and therefore I follow quite some people and stories, to stay on top of things, to stay informed.
Now I know the ‘gurus’ are busy people with a lot of followers and a lot of mentions and that they actually take time to reply is why I think Social Media is here to stay; (@JasonFalls@BrianSolis and @MissDestructo for instance).

Never before was it so easy to connect with people far away or potentially out of reach.
Granted, some people will never reply or connect on a personal level.

But those that do make all the difference.


Just read this article by Brian Solis. The following passage is how I feel about social media in general and Facebook in particular and it provides me with the answer I was looking for (I just didn’t know how to put it in words).

Indeed, privacy as we knew it is dead. It is now something that we have to learn and teach. Your privacy settings in Facebook are yours to manage. But, to do so takes initiative and an understanding that like your credit score, what you share online requires definition and reinforcement. Remember, what works against us also works for us. We’re essentially adding a layer of thoughtfulness in our social networking to better tell our story and also enjoy the stories of others.

So there you have it. We move ahead.., we just need to be more cautious about where we click or what we like. Be more conscious and use your head when you surf the Internet.

Remember that the easier it is to share.., the easier it is to share the wrong thought…