First Impressions of

app.netIt’s been two weeks now and I have been exploring and using casually. So, what are my first impressions of

Like so many I bought a membership and by now a lot of people are posting and reposting.
Some got an account but are not very active yet.
Some have jumped on the new network like a tick on a passing wildebeast in the dry season.

The ‘@’ and the ‘#’

My feeling about is that is resembles Twitter the most. Sure, we have more characters (140 vs. 256), but the basic premise looks the same.
The ‘@’ and the ‘#’ are being used profusely and the ‘My Stream’ and ‘Global Stream’ would look quite similar too, to a quick passer by.

I do feel, in light of the recent Twitter APIcalypse, where they grab everything the developers created, that the use of these symbols is a bit revolutionary.
Twitter closes ranks on the API and 3rd party apps (although we’d still be able to use most of them), so we move to a new network and we use the ‘@’ and the ‘#’, because they do not belong to Twitter. They belong to we the people.

By the way, if you have something to tell which takes more than 256 characters, just reply to your own post.

Continue reading “First Impressions of” A New Hope

I just joined In my line of work it is kind of mandatory to join new networks. So I join them all, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Triberr, Diaspora* and so on and so on… Tried UNTHINK, Zurker and several others. Not all of them work out or even exist anymore. Some are strong, most are similar and a few really stand out.

And now is here. A new hope… header

According to “ is a different kind of social platform. We’re building a real-time social service where users and developers come first, not advertisers.”

This quote can be found on, here you can also sign up. Mind you, it is a paid service, a paid social network.., what? I’m typing this and thinking.., wait, I paid to join a social network.., that is unheard of! How dare they…

Well.., actually it just might be the future. Join Facebook or Twitter and you’ll expose yourself to their commercial activities.., you are the product!

With you pay with money instead of with personal information and invasive advertisement.., sounds a lot better now, doesn’t it?

$50 for a year, for the first year ($100 if you want to develop).
We get to figure out whether or not we like the service, the developers can go nuts without (many) restrictions and gets a chance.
Sounds like a good deal.., because let’s face it.., the business model the others have might in the long run cost you more than a meager $50 a year.


If you want to know more about, and you do, read the user generated FAQ.
Or just start at

If you decide to join.., find and join me. You can find me at