Where do you put ‘Social’ in your business?

There is still a lot of debate who should be in charge of Social Media. I believe no department should be “in charge”, unless it’s a department run by the CSBO, the Chief Social Business Officer.

it never rains, but it poorsLet’s not beat around the bush. Social Media is not a fad, not a trend, not a fleeting gimmick and it’s not a bubble. Granted, some platforms may come and go, money will be made and money will be lost, Digg and MySpace are good examples, both are still alive though.

Ignoring Social as a company can be a fatal mistake. Unless you operate in a vacuum or are a true monopolist in a strict B2B market, then maybe you can ignore it. But, anybody else, simply cannot.

It never rains, but it pours

When Formula1 is racing, and the rain comes, the teams have to change to rain tyres. You can gamble on the weather clearing up, save your self a pit stop, or maybe two and win the race. But, by now we know, it will not stop raining. And keeping your cars out on slicks will, inevitably loose you the race. And, it no longer rains, but it pours.

We also know that “Social” goes well beyond just customer care, and well beyond marketing. Also, for communication or PR it’s just another channel. And this is just one part of where Social touches Business. For every department within a company there is a possible scenario where they themselves, independently, use Social to communicate with their audience. Whether that be via Tweets, a community forum or a blog (or some other platform). And we’re still only talking about ‘external’ communication.


All these channels and platforms must have an impact on the way people communicate. The more Social is being used, through company structures or through personal use, the more people expect to communicate like this all the time.

The structures that need to be in place to satisfy these needs are unified under Social Business.

A New Product

Wouldn’t it be cool with a the launch of a new service that all departments are on the same page at the same time? Yes, that would be cool.

Imagine, before the launch individual employees can drop hints with their audience, or get valuable feedback for the developers, that HR can recruit on specific set of skill, that PR can prepare the press release, that customer care can access the knowledge base with updated info, and that Marketing has its campaign all ready to go.

All these Social Business efforts need to be synchronised and coordinated. This can never happen when every department kinda just does what it wants.

One Big Happy Family

When a company has everything well organised and employees use new ways to communicate with each other and with customers, brand ambassadors and partners, then everything becomes one integrated system. A system that grows organically, because technology gives it the opportunity to do so.

But, as with all business processes, you need to be able to control it, or at the very least, monitor it. You need to know what’s happening. Giving employees the power to broadcast can be a powerful ally, but it also harbours potential risk.

The system needs to provide a way to control that risk. The system (whatever that may be) needs to be monitored. And depending on the size of your business, this can not be done by a single person, you need a department, run by someone who can wear many hats and can talk to every other department in the company.

Because Social touches every aspect of a business, it has to be, by it’s very nature, a department of its own. And every Social endeavour needs to be  aligned with this department.



Establish Yourself Through Blogging

I was asked by a friend whether or not he should blog. I said, ‘yes’. He asked, ‘why?’.

So, I wrote this blogpost to answer his question, because that’s how we roll.

Strangely enough I had to think about this. It’s not like I don’t know, but to sum it up in a coherent list just makes you go.., hmmmm.

Thusly, here are a few reasons why you should blog.

establish yourself through blogginSubject Matter Expert

130221- Praise
Thanks @MarkHarai

Your knowledge is a precious commodity, but people need to know what you know for them to accept you as an expert. Writing articles for your blog can provide just that.

On-Line HQ

Having a place to call your own provides you with flexibility to change or improve your representation at will. Also, any content (you create) placed on your blog belongs to you, no matter what. Your site cannot be cancelled for making a small mistake and you never have to agree to any terms of use.

It’s the best place to direct people, because it will always be there.

Just make sure you have your own hosting. Tumblr, Blogger or WordPress.com do not provide this (WordPress.org does).


Ideally you create a community around your blog. Visitors who comment or share your content are part of your community. By following up on them your network can grow.

You can direct new contacts straight to your blog, instead of a Twitter account or Facebook Page.

Own Your Brand

Personal branding remains a powerful tool in your arsenal. By setting up a blog (or your own homepage) you can establish your own style which you can use throughout various social media, emails, presentations or anything else with your name on it.

Creating a strong and recognisable brand is well worth the effort.

Solve Problems

This is more about what to write, but in the interest of adding value to your blog, helping people should be your goal. Providing articles which are genuinely helpful, without asking anything in return, will establish you as a trustworthy source of information.

People respond well to that.

Creative Outlet

Especially when you enjoy writing and spend enough time on your blog to get a good flow going. The rewards go beyond providing great content. The satisfaction of producing a good (looking) post can be significant. Also, remember that each post demands at least one image.

Using images created by you tackles any copyright issues you may encounter.

Educate Yourself

In the ever lasting quest for new (and better) content you have to keep developing. Always finding new subjects to write forces you to think creatively and learn new things.