So you want to blog, huh? Where do you start?
You start with buying a book. Not just any book, but “Born to Blog: Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time“, by none other than Mark W. Schaefer and Stanford A. Smith.
Mark is the Chieftain for {grow} and Stanford writes Pushing Social. Both are successful and very active bloggers.., for them to write a book like this makes total sense. And further more.., when they write a, nay, the book on blogging.., you get a copy, read it and learn from it.
Now, I haven’t had the time to put anything into practice (I just read it, gimme a break will ya), but I’ve followed Mark’s blog for a while now (and followed its advice) and I can tell you.., it’s a hit. The content, the guest posts, the comments.., the community. It pulls the whole Internet just another notch up the curve.
I haven’t read Pushing Social as much (as I should), but I can tell you.., after reading Born to Blog.., Pushing Social moves snugly into my top 5 blogs to follow.
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