We no longer have any privacy, or do we?

privacyThis discussion is no longer based on a single platform or service. By now it covers your whole digital life and not just on the Internet.
And you need to be vigilant.

We still have privacy.
You just can’t assume everything is just that.

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Apple’s Trick and How You Can Apply It to Social Media

People want an honest and transparent conversation with another human being. And this causes a problem.

First, companies are not used to talk so directly, and second, they fear that once the bunny is out of hat.., everything will be shared.

So, we keep the bunny in the hat and share nothing…

Solution: Be selective about your transparency.

Apple’s Trick

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Social Media Goes Beyond Marketing

Most current social media strategies focus on outward communication. They usually start with finding out where your target audience is and what they are saying. After that you join that conversation and build your strategy around the information you have and the goals you have set.

But looking inward might be just as important.

When we’re talking about a big company which has a settled Communications department and a successful Marketing department the process seems easy. The outward communications are already in place, so adding a few extra channels shouldn’t be a problem. And chances are you might even have success with that strategy. But it would still be outbound communication, probably one way too. And therefore, limited.

Social media goes beyond marketing, way beyond.

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